How frequently we find ourselves in this familiar space; facing each other, attempting to unravel the threads of our opening words. Naturally, there’s the conventional route: “Greetings, my identity is _____, I hail from _____, I make my livelihood by _____, and during leisure, I indulge in _____ and the noble art of mud wrestling.”
Yet, the predictable path lacks allure, so it beckons us toward more unconventional introductions—perhaps the dropping of one’s trousers while bellowing a boisterous “PUDDING!” as an icebreaker (although, while one wants to arrest attention, ideally one should aim to accomplish the task through less brazen means than screaming for dessert while naked from the waist down).
Aye, the sea between conformity and chaos is vast and turbulent indeed, inhabited by deceptive and enchanting sirens, cunning children, and musical theater majors. To arrest without being arrested takes skill, expertise, proficiency and know-how. And surely, if these be absent in one’s arsenal, prudency would call upon us to retreat—abandon the expedition and concede the journey to the familiar and tediously comforting shores of modesty and obligation.
But for those who are skilled enough, expert enough, proficient enough and know-how’d enough, then I say, unfetter thine ship from the harbor of the conscious mind and seek thy dreams! For too long has this vessel been riding the ropes of liability, indebted to pragmatism and tasting the salty spray of banality! Press forth; and free thineself from rigor of humility! Press forth; and free thineself from the despondency of moral ambiguity! Press forth; and sail onward—emancipated from woe—and inhale deep within, the narcotic aromas from the garden of creative abundance; let your breath expand, eclipse the stars, fill the cosmos, and burst the seams of your silken mold to take flight and seek out the light in the darkness that calls to you. You are welcome here. And you are welcome.